Team:NYU Abu Dhabi/Documentation/DOCS 20ee279bfcdc46b09c4fb108851b2757/Engineering 8297e0cf88af4f8fbfe00ad598c6a52f/eDNA 9fcee6677a424aeeaff47b5fb2d01586



@Roba Olana, last edited by @Yaman Garg

  • Environmental DNA is analyzing genetic material from a given species (skin, hair, scales, or waste products shed) for either disease detection or species sampling instead of collecting the sample directly from the animal.
  • A helpful introductory document:
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  • Since 2011, Goldberg and WSU colleagues Alexander Fremier and Katherine Strickler have played an instrumental role in bringing eDNA from a proof of concept to a practical tool for species conservation.
eDNA may offer an early warning signal for deadly frog pathogen
When Colleen Kamoroff and her graduate advisor Caren Goldberg collected water samples to look for the DNA of non-native fish species, they could not have guessed the potential importance of their timing. One month after they sampled water from 13 lakes in California's Sequoia Kings Canyon National Park in 2015, endangered mountain yellow-legged frogs in [...]
  • This technique can be applied to study the expansion or presence, but not prevalence, of Bsal over larger areas in a reliable, cost‐effective, and efficient way. (Van der Sluijs et al., 2020)
  • A portable analyzing protocol for eDNA is given by Biomeme (who also have a similar-ish protocol for swabbing) and using ANDe filtration system:

    To briefly summarize: the water is filtered through the filter using the ANDe machine to capture zoospores, the filter is then processed through a sample prep kit similar to Biomeme's M1 Sample Prep (summarized in 🧫Nucleic Acid Extraction), the purified DNA is put in Biomeme's Go Strips (PCR tubes with lyophilized master mix for amplification), which are then transferred to a portable thermocycler for amplification and detection.